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Solar thermal energy
Heat from free solar energy. 100% sustainable and saves on heating costs.
Auf diesem Bild sieht man wie die Sonne auf die Photovoltaik scheint

Solar thermal energy

With the solar thermal energy system from KWB, you convert sunlight into heat energy. This means on sunny days, you have enough hot water for your own needs, and you can use it for heating and save the surplus in your buffer storage tank. Similar to a photovoltaic system, which you can also use in addition to a solar system, the modules on the roof are perfectly tailored to the heating boiler and storage components, giving you maximum efficiency.

KWB Solarthermie
KWB EasySun
  • Solar system for domestic hot water heating
  • Quality collectors from the global market leader
  • Covers up to 60% of domestic hot water demand
  • Can be assembled upright/horizontally with flexible fastening sets
KWB Solarthermie
KWB MultiSun
  • Solar system for heating support
  • Quality collectors from the global market leader
  • Covers up to 40% of heat requirements
  • Can be assembled upright/horizontally with flexible fastening sets

Thermal solar system ‒ checklist

To make sure that a solar thermal system runs properly and economically, you should consider the following:

  • Which solar collectors are suitable?

If you have enough roof space (4m² for hot water heating, 8m² for heating support) and your roof ideally faces to the south west, flat-plate collectors are the first choice. They are economical and provide sufficient efficiency.


  • Hot water heating or heating support?

    • Solar system hot water heating:
      For this purpose, you need a bivalent storage tank that integrates a solar system into the hot water heating system, for instance the KWB EmpaTherm Solar
    • Heating support:
      A buffer storage tank with drinking water extraction is used here – the KWB EmpaCompact or KWB EmpaWell


  • Assembly of a solar system

It’s best for a professional to assemble the solar thermal energy system. KWB has access to a large network of very experienced installers.
We advise against assembling them yourself: Solar collectors are heavy and unwieldy, hydraulic integration of a solar system is complex and only a professional installer can ensure functional and efficient operation of your system.

Solar energy – heat & electricity for maximum independence

Nature provides a surplus of renewable energy. In only three hours, the sun provides enough energy to cover the energy needs of the entire world population for a year. KWB can provide you with a complete energy system from a single source. This allows you to maximise the use of free solar energy and save on heating costs.

+43 3115 6116