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Whether pellet, wood chip, log wood heater or accessories such as storage systems. Find a suitable biomass heating system.
[Translate to Irland:] KWB Produkte

Heating systems and control

Are you interested in a specific heating system? Whether wood-based heating, storage systems, heat pumps or perfectly matching regulation and control technology: Here you find everything at a glance.

[Translate to Irland:] KWB Easyfire
Wood heating systems
KWB is the provider of your optimal heating system, regardless whether it is for a single-family house, agricultural or forestry business, commercial and hotel facility.
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[Translate to Irland:] Storage systems for wood heating systems
Storage systems for wood heating systems
A perfectly sized storage system increases the efficiency of your boiler and turns your heating room into an energy centre.
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[Translate to Irland:] Storage & conveyor system
Storage & conveyor system
Storage of pellets and wood chips including fuel conveyance.
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Auf diesem Bild sieht man die KWB EasyAir Waermepumpe
Heat pumps
The KWB heat pumps for hot water preparation are the perfect addition to your wood heating.
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[Translate to Irland:] Control system & operation
Control system & operation
With a KWB system, you can easily control your heating remotely or have your energy system components intelligently controlled.
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The energy system as comprehensive solution

With KWB, you get components for 100% heat from renewable energies.

To the comprehensive solutions
[Translate to Irland:] KWB Energiesysteme
+44 287 135 31 08