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Your choice: KWB
Revolutionary and sustainable – KWB brings the energy transition to your home.
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Your choice: KWB

KWB has been the go-to specialist for pellet, wood chip and log wood heating systems for 30 years and stands for premium quality from Austria. As one of the pioneers in the sector, we have revolutionised heating with wood and also expanded our product portfolio to provide comprehensive energy systems. We are particularly proud of our innovations that have brought us international recognition and make us unique – to ensure that KWB can establish itself as a leading company in the industry.

In addition to our excellent customer service, it is also the technological innovations that characterise KWB: From our cleanEfficiency 2.0 technology, with which we revolutionised heating with wood more than ten years ago and stand for the cleanest possible combustion, to KWB's modular and easily transportable system that facilitates the easy installation of biomass heating systems in buildings. We focus on ‘Quality made in Austria’ – also demonstrated by the KWB Crawler Burner, which is a true all-rounder and automatically adjusts to any fuel quality. KWB heating systems guarantee many years of satisfaction – and help ensure the energy transition in your home.

KWB characteristics

Newest technologies

KWB has demonstrated its pioneering spirit regarding alternative heating systems through technological innovation many times over in the past 30 years.

Premium quality

KWB heating systems are manufactured to the highest quality which makes them especially durable.

Made in Austria

KWB has its headquarters in Austria and stands for short supply routes and regional value creation.

This is what makes KWB unique

KWB's modular and easily transportable system

KWB's modular and easily transportable system

The KWB modular and easily transportable system makes it possible to install environmentally friendly pellet, wood chip or log wood heating systems even in small spaces. The boiler can be dismantled into several smaller modules, which can be individually transported. This saves time and costs and minimises the risk of damage. The system is easy to install and coordinate.

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Clean heating – CleanEfficiency 2.0

Clean heating – CleanEfficiency 2.0

KWB heating systems are equipped with cleanEfficiency technology 2.0, which guarantees lowest emission values and a high degree of efficiency.The innovative burner design minimises the movement of fuel and ensures a stress-free and undisturbed combustion.

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Fuel flexibility with KWB

Fuel flexibility

The KWB Crawler Burner is a flexible and robust heating system that can be run with various fuel types, such as wood chips and pellets. Developed in coordination with farmers, it boasts an automatic adjustment to the respective fuel quality, which guarantees efficient and complete combustion and minimises fuel costs.

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